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Letters From Students

Why I Do What I Do


Thanks for teaching this year! This class was a lot of fun and a lot of work. I found creative projects to be my favorite assignments I've done in school.


Thank you so much for a great year. I genuinely have never had a teacher that cared more about their students than you. I had a dip in my work ethic during the third quarter but I appreciate, so much, everything you've done for me to help me get out of that. You're a really great teacher.


Thank you so much for saving us in the beginning of the school year and caring through this amazing year.
Writing with Pen

APLang Student '21-'22

Dear Miss Dillon,

I just wanted to express how much I will miss having you as my teacher. Until you came, Lang was the class that I dreaded most every day, but I was totally amazed by the way that my perspective changed once you came to our class. You had the most positive energy and the most student-focused outlook on teaching that I have seen from a teacher, and your continued commitment to making us better students was evident every day. I loved how you always recognized that we were not just students, but people, and that you always found ways to show us that you cared. Although I am incredibly sad that you are leaving, I am glad that we got to have you as our teacher, even if it was just for a few months. I hope that I get to have you as my teacher again and that we see each other soon, and I hope your next class gets to enjoy your teaching as much as I did. 

Freshman English Student '21-'22

Dear Ms.Dillon,

Thanks for being such a great teacher during the time you taught us! I always hated English in school until I took your class. You taught me so many new things and that when I actually put effort into my writing it doesn’t suck that bad. I will miss you and I hope I see you in the future! 

Working from Home

APLang Student '21-'22


Dear Ms. Dillon, 

I just wanted let you know how much I will miss having you as a teacher. Your instructing style is my favorite of any English teacher I have had throughout all of high school and I was so grateful to have you when navigating the confusing AP Lang topics. The way you present new ideas makes sense to me in a way lots of teachers’ lessons don’t. Your classroom is truly a growth environment and I love that I never hesitated to meet with you to ask for help (something that is often scary in other classes). I can thank you for my new perspective on the education system and will miss your creative assignments. I wish you could have stayed longer because I know given total control of a full year your class would be amazing.

Freshman English Student '21-'22

Miss Dillon,

I also wanted to email to thank you for coming in and being a fantastic teacher.  You were such a help to me throughout your time in our class, and I am so happy I got to work with you. I wish you the best in your next job, and I hope you return to GHS!


Thank you for everything, and I am so sad you are leaving!

Writing Letters
Floral Card

APLang Student '21-'22

Hi Ms. Dillon,

I am extremely grateful and you were an amazing teacher for our class, and taught us all so much. It was such a bummer that last Friday there was a snow day when it didn't even snow, so we didn't get to properly say goodbye to you or have a fun class, but I am hoping I see you sometime again. Thank you again for shaping our class and making me the best Lang student I can be. [...]

Good luck and I miss you already!

Girl Reading on Bed

ELA Student '20-'21

Dear Ms. Dillon,

I wanted to let you know how great of a teacher I think you are. Never have I had a teacher at [school] that understands me and basically what it's like to go through middle school. I get very anxious about speaking in class, but when you came to our English class I finally started to speak up more and not underestimate myself. I've never been interested in Enlgish, but I've also never had a teacher to push me and help me learn to love English. English is now my favorite subject. You are the best teacher I've ever had at [school] and I'm so sad to see you go. [...] Thank you for all you've done for me this year!

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