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  • Writer's pictureCarrianne Dillon

Word of the Week: Paucity

Since my local stores (not pictured) continue to have NOTHING (zip, nil, none, nada) on the toilet paper front, I though paucity would be the perfect word for this week.

Paucity is a noun referring to smallness in either number or quantity; basically a dearth of something. Some of the first uses of the word pop up in the early 1800s in texts such as books by John Baillie, a Scottish minister; "Organic Life" research by Ersasmus Darwin; and essays by Puritan preacher Thomas Brooks. Now, generally, one need not be 'An Academic' to use as good a word as paucity! So, go forth and use it! Now's really the time...

Locally, I've also noticed a lack of flour, canned fruits, and eggs. What paucities have you noticed during this global pandemic?


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